The Menagerie: 3D Printable Miniatures & 5E Adventure Book
Created by Arcane Hound
A thrilling adventure with all-new 3D printable miniatures, terrains, battle maps, complete 5E compatible adventure, and so much more!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Design philosophy, stretch goal unlocks and more!
over 3 years ago
– Sat, Jul 24, 2021 at 10:21:31 PM
Hey everyone, we are incredibly humbled by the continued support we are receiving from the community! We aren't even halfway through the campaign yet and have now reached over $25,000 in funding, unlocking another stretch goal! Devin made you all a video of the roll this time around, check it out below.
Strange obelisks are found throughout The Menagerie. They tell stories of portals, cities and entire civilizations lost long ago that used to exist in this strange pocket of the universe. Touching a panel on these obelisks gives the person that touches it strange visions into the time period that the writing was about. The Obelisk of Nessine in Buhnasia is particularly interesting as it indicates Nessine herself might be under some strange influences as of late.
Social Stretch Goal Update
So far we have had 3 photos of painted Grubnub minis submitted. We only need 2 more submissions to unlock the social stretch goal and take another roll on the stretch goal loot table! Once we unlock this goal, we will release another sample STL and do another painting social stretch goal!
Painted Grubnub mini that was submitted by backer Steven W. for the social stretch goal
If you want to submit your painted Grubnub mini to help unlock the social stretch goal, follow the instructions below.
Here's how to get involved in this social stretch goal:
Download and 3D print the Grubnub sample STL file. You can download a pre-supported and regular version of the STL files here.
Print Grubnub on your favorite 3D printer!
Prime and paint your Grubnub mini! There are no wrong answers here, we never said your painting had to be good. It doesn't matter if your 5 year old paints it or your painting looks like a 5 year old did it, it still counts!
We have had a number of people ask about the look of the minis and the design philosophy behind them. Devin put together a great video explaining how he sculpts the amazing minis with 3D printing in mind. This results in the amazing models you see on the page that print great!
Rated Nat 20 on Roll for Review
Roll for Review is a really cool podcast that reviews tabletop RPG crowdfunding projects. They took a look at The Menagerie on their most recent episode and rated it a "natural 20"! You can check out the review over on their YouTube channel!
Update frequency
We are doing our best to keep you updated on a regular basis, but we are also trying to balance not clogging up your Kickstarter feed. If you want to stay up to date on the latest be sure to check out our social media channels where we post daily, or jump in our Discord server to ask us questions directly.
We are really close to unlocking the first social stretch goal! Only 2 more painted minis needed!
$30k stretch goal will be here before you know it!
We are still working on polishing up the book sample PDF! Keep an eye out for it.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
-Devin & Jon
Stretch goals unlocked, painting social goal and more!
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 03:21:37 PM
Stretch Goals Unlocked!
We have unlocked 2 stretch goals! You heard that right, we unlocked our first TWO stretch goals! We decided to re-work our stretch goal pacing a bit and you can read more on that below. On with the exciting stuff for now! We rolled the D20 and have your loot below:
$15,000 Stretch Goal - Rolled 5
This stretch goal includes an STL and stat block for the Beast of Shavir. This demon acts as the guardian hound of Elnorash the Whisperer, one of the Sisters of Shavir. Once elves corrupted by power turned into hags that posses powerful magic that that are trapped inside in the Menagerie. We plan to make a full STL mini for this creature which will be available to any backers getting STL files in their rewards. We also plan to commission artwork and have an additional monster in the book for all backers that have the book in their reward tier.
$20,000 Stretch goal - Rolled 14
We will create an asset pack designed for popular VTT systems. This asset pack is meant to make running the campaign on a VTT as painless as possible. When combined with the battle maps, you should have everything you need to get the campaign up and going on your favorite VTT system. What is included in the asset pack:
Tokens for monsters, characters and minis.
Any relevant handouts (images, world maps, journals, etc)
This stretch goal will be available to ALL backers for free!
Reworking stretch goal pacing
We decided we were a bit off on our stretch goal pacing so we are going to update the cadence to reward you all more quickly. Stretch goals will now trigger every $5k raised beyond the initial funding goal. And yes, it is retroactive!
Grubnub Painting Social Stretch Goal!
A few folks in the comments section suggested we create some social stretch goals and we thought this was a great idea! If we get 5 people to paint Grubnub and share a picture, we will roll on the loot table and unlock a stretch goal!
Here's how to get involved in this social stretch goal:
Download and 3D print the Grubnub sample STL file. You can download a pre-supported and regular version of the STL files here.
Print Grubnub on your favorite 3D printer!
Prime and paint your Grubnub mini! There are no wrong answers here, we never said your painting had to be good. It doesn't matter if your 5 year old paints it or your painting looks like a 5 year old did it, it still counts!
Submit a picture of your painted mini using this link! (One submission per backer!)
Hopefully this is a fun way for everyone to get involved. We are really looking forward to seeing what you all paint!
What's next?
Keep an eye out for updates on the Grubnub social stretch goal! Don't forget to submit picture of your painted mini!
We are working on proofing a PDF sample of the book we hope to be able to share in the next update.
Devin is working on a huge sculpt that is looking amazing. Keep an eye out for it in the next few updates!
$25,000 stretch goal is just around the corner!
We hope you all have a great weekend!
-Devin & Jon
Funded in 8 hours!
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 03:07:56 AM
Thank you!
We are overwhelmed by the support you have all shown our project and wanted to offer our sincere thanks. We have spent the last year and a half working on bringing this project to life and it means a lot to see everyone come out and offer their support.
Being able to tell our own original stories and share them with the world through such an incredible experience as a Tabletop RPG is a dream come true! To those of you who have been supporting us already by helping us out on social media, giving us feedback, helping us work on the book, and most importantly helping us play test.... Thank you, thank you , thank you! It has been such an amazing experience and a huge thank you to all of our backers for going on this crazy journey with us!
What you can expect to see from us next:
We are working on a book preview PDF to give you a better glimpse into the story of the Menagerie!
Stretch goals start at $30k, and we have some really exciting stuff planned. Go out there and share the campaign with your favorite 3D printing or DM group and help us reach that stretch goal!